mercredi 19 juin 2013


9 commentaires:

Unknown a dit…

Yeah une cow girl !!!!!!!!

 Annette Marnat a dit…

ahouuuu ! :D trop belle !

Unknown a dit…

Damn, I love your stuff! Those legs are to die for!

Richard a dit…

Yee Haa!

elgunto a dit…

Annette : Merci miss !! :-)
Ben : Thank you very much my friend ! It's funny, the legs are not my favorite part of the drawing...

Scribbler a dit…

wow pure class!

The Toonimator a dit…

El Gunto. This style and art is amazing. Simple but dynamic. Love it!
Btw, I sent you a private message regarding this artwork.

โรซ่า a dit…

Hello, we have a game to recommend.

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Thank you for your interest."

Cooper Bentley a dit…

Thanks for taking the time to share this elgunto