mercredi 19 novembre 2014

HebdoGirl146 & CTN eXpo

Hey, I don't know if many people still follow this blog, but I just want to announce that I will be at the CTNx at Burbank next weekend (November21-22-23), just to walk around, to see other artists, to show my portfolio, etc.
But if you want to find me easily, I'll sign my Comix Buro sketchbook on Sunday at 1pm, at Stuart Ng Books booth ! If you are here, stop by and say hi !

vendredi 14 novembre 2014

vendredi 31 janvier 2014


I recently updated my portfolio :
With a lot of artworks I haven't posted here, like my work for Wakfu/Dofus Mag, illus for a stickers book for kids or these variations of my jedi character...